Our Story.

HI there! I’m Paulina, the founder of Science & Soul. The development of this company started nearly 10 years ago while trying to find healing and peace with my body. I suffered with numerous health conditions ranging from a poor relationship with food, to an imbalanced gut and hormones, chronic inflammation and aggravated skin. I have spent the last few years finding natural solutions to my wellness approach. Despite trying every possible elimination diet, cleanse and workout regime under the sun, flare ups would consistently return. I began attending various meditation retreats, energy healing workshops, and dove into the study of ancient wellness foundations such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. When I began integrating mind and body practices and changing the way I evaluate nutrition, is when the healing really began.

So what is nutrition? I believe that you digest more than just food. It’s the story, intent and sustainability behind what you consume as well. It’s the internal dialect you have with yourself upon waking and as you take a bite into a delicious blueberry scone (GF or not). It is the gratitude you have for what is on your plate and what surrounds you. Food is information and it’s an essential tool to help you thrive in every aspect of life.

Science & Soul is committed to providing nutrient rich meals to help optimize the health of our clients and the environment. Its mission is to serve others in a way that allows them to take ownership of their health. I am honored to be a part of your transformation.

With gratitude,

Paulina Szara